Lombardia: 1 million euros to promote organic and PDO/PGI products

<div style="text-align: justify;">The Region Lombardia Administration has secured, throughits Rural Development Programme 2012 (under Measure 133) 1,153,878 euro to promotional initiatives activated by the regional Consortia of Protection of wine and cheeses, and by organic associations. Lombardia owns 25 PDO/PGI products and 42 wine denominations, while offering a vast range of organic products, highly appreciated by consumers and operators. The objective is to increase and streanghten, through specific actions, the knowledge of their origins, as well as their organoleptic, safety and sustainability values. The promotion campaigns will help these specific productions to be known better at national and international level. All the applications (19) presented to the Lombardia Regional Administration were judged positively and their financial support approved.&nbsp; <br></div><br>Source: Regione Lombardia<br><br><br>