New MIPAAF explanatory notes on organic farming

<div style="text-align: justify;">We publish new MiPAAF notes related to different arguments, among which the correct application of the rules related to crop rotations with leguminosae referring to application of art. 3 of the Italian Decree no. 18354 of 27 Nov 2009; the application of art. 95, par. 5 of Reg (EC) 889/08 about the application of national or private rules for production of feed for pets; the management of derogations about the use of seed or conventional propagating material.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1654_1651_nota-n.%2023070%20del%2017%20nov%202011">Note no. 23070 del of 21 Nov. 2011</a> (in Italian)