New Regulation on organic wine: a joint document between the Italian and Spanish Ministries of Agriculture

<div style="text-align: justify;">A joint note of Italian and Spanish Ministries of Agriculture has been sent to the European Commission with the request to modify the proposal of the new Regulation on organic wine now under discussion in Brussels. The subject of the note is the use of sulfites. Italy and Spain request to link the quantity authorised to be used&nbsp; to the wine category (determined on the basis of the sugar content), rather than on the different wine-growing and wine-producing areas identified by the CMO on wine. The joint Italian-Spanish proposal is fully shared by all the European organic producers associations: it would guarantee, also for the wine sector, an equal application of the rules in the whole EU territory, without any difference of treatment among producers of different geographical areas.<br>The joint proposal includes as well the request to remove the limitations foreseen for the use of ion exchange resins, the request to allow the desulphurization technique for the production of concentrated musts and rectified concentrated, and the request to include, among the products allowed for the production of organic wine, potassium sorbate and lysozyme.<br>The calendar for polls to approve the new EC Regulation proposal on organic wine, also as a consequence of the Italo-Spanish requests, has not yet been set, and the proposal is still being examined by the Commission. <br></div><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br><br><br><br>