Organic aquaculture: Rome schools' canteens now serve Italian organic fish

From now on, thanks to a research project undertaken by CRA-IBA (National Research Council, Institute of Agro-environmental and Forestry Biology) and named "Sanpei", fresh, organic fish coming from domestic aquaculture breedings enters the canteens of the Roman schools. The project, a pilot activity financed by MiPAAF, has involved the association of producers "Lega Pesca", the Rome municipality, two of the most important Italian catering companies (Cir Food and Camst), two big food distribution companies (Marr e Capecchi) and two primary schools in town. The project was checking all the chain, from the fish breeding to the children's plate. Thus, during the 2011-12 school year , more than 400 children and their teachers ate sea breams, sea basses and grey-mullets coming from Italian aquaculture at sea. The results of the research will provide a better understanding of the rebound effect of this "new" food and how to implement the whole operation for the near future.<br><br><br>All the info on "Sapei project" at the following <a href="">LINK</a&gt; (in Italian)<br><br><br>Source: Sinab<br><br><br>