<div style="text-align: justify;">During the last "Standing Committe on Organic Farming" meeting, held in Brussels on 10-11 May, the Committee accepted the new Regulation proposal that will amend EC <br>Reg. 1235/08, related to the organic products import from Third countries regime.The most important amendments refer to the expiring date for the request of inclusion <br>in the list of Control Authorities or Control Bodies recognised for their conformity: from 31 October 2011 it will be postponed to 31 October 2014; the inclusion of Canada among the countries in equivalency regime will be reported to June 2014; the inclusion of new countries in the list will last the three years, while those already included will remain in the list indefinitely. The approved new Regulation proposal will soon be published in the EU Official Gazette. <br></div><br><br>Source: Sinab