<P>The first data on the Italian organic production in Italy for the year 2008 provided by SINAB (the National Information System on Organic Farming) show a sector in an adjusting phase. Concerning production, it appears that the rapid growth happened in the last years is now slowing down. The data are elaborated by SINAB from those supplied to the Italian Ministry of Agriculture by Control Bodies: a global survey on the issue will be presented in September.</P>
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<P>The number of organic operators has decreased of about 1% in relation with 2007, while the reduction of surfaces (always in relation with 2007) is wider, reaching about 10%. </P>
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<P>The data recorded appear in countertrand in relation with the situation of the other European countries, whose number of surfaces and operators is almost everywhere growing; the same happens in relation with the data regarding organic food consumptions, which year after year continue to grow in Italy as well.</P>
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<P>In spite of such tendencies, Italy is confirmed as the first European country for the number of organic certified operators. <BR><BR><BR>Source: MiPAAF – SINAB<BR></P>