"Organic stars": a competition to award the best communication initiatives of the sector

<div align="justify">The national competition launched by the
Italian Ministry of Agriculture (MiPAAF) is now acquiring its first registrations. The ability to
communicate to consumers the values of the Italian organic farming is one of the factors that
contributed to the last years' organic food growth and success in Italy and around the world: for
this reason the competition (the last registration day will be 20 December) addresses to producers,
consumers and distributors who -in the last years- trusted&nbsp; the organic production method and
engaged themselves to witness this belief and choice. <br>The competition is based on different
sections related to the different communication tools (web, radio, TV, paper) used; the promoters'
intention is to award all the initiatives that, promoting a specific product or market brand, gave a
message useful to the valorization of all the Italian organic sector. Specific awards are also
foreseen&nbsp; for specific communication initiatives performed to promote the short
chain.<br></div><br>All the information to participate to&nbsp; 'Organic stars' can be found <a href="http://lestelledelbio.ismea.it/">HERE</a><br><br><br>Source: MiPAAF Press Office