Organic wine, Minister Catania: “An important result for Italy”

<div style="text-align: justify;">'In the end a legislation
vacuum, impeding organic wine producers to use the European logo, was plugged!' declared the Italian
Ministry of Agriculture Mario Catania. 'It is the conclusion of a long road, started in July 2009,
that saw Italy playing a leading role either for its scientific support to the European Commission,
through specific research programmes, either in the mediation with the other Member States. The
Regulation proposal approved today represents certainly&nbsp; a compromise, but it is an important
result the fact that EC was meeting the requests of the Mediterranean countries, which were able,
during the negotiation, to express common positions'. <br>The Italian Ministry of Agriculture
comments follow the new Regulation on organic wine approval by the SCOF – Standing Committee on
Organic Farming. <br>'I believe the Regulation that will soon be published' ended Mr. Catania 'is a
first, important step to satisfy the needs of Italian producers and consumers. A starting point for
further, needed future revisions and integrations, to be proposed by the Ministry with the support
and the agreement of the producers' associations'.<br></div>&nbsp;<br>Source: