Organic wine: the list of the authorized Control Bodies is now completed

<div style="text-align: justify;">ICQRF has released the last authorizations to the Control Bodies which requested to operate in Italy in the organic wine sector: the last CB entering was Biozoo srl. The sector is now completed. <br><br>The operating CBs full list is available at the following <a href="../index.php?mod=regioni&amp;m2id=190&amp;navId=1704&amp;q_regione=">LINK</a> </div><br><br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/2050_nota_n_28887_8_nov_2012.pdf">Note no. 28887 of 8 November 2012</a> (in Italian)<br><br><br>Source:ICQRF<br><br><br>