"Pesticides? no thanks: risks for health and protection of citizens'

<div style="text-align: justify;">The town of Malosco, Val di
Non (Trentino), where intensive cultivation of apples take place, was the first in Italy to have
issued a municipal regulation on the use of plant protection products and a regulation about
agricultural crops. Thanks to this, in September 2012, the municipality was awarded the Green Flag
by Legambiente. On 20 March, the 'Ape Bianca' (Viale Bologna 277 – Forlì) will host the meeting
'Pesticides? no thanks: risks for and protection of citizens'. The prize will be awarded to
Patrizia&nbsp; Gentilini and Adriano Martini, Mayor of Malosco. Main topic of the conference will be
the decision of the Italian State Council in favor of the City of Malosco and its rules against the
use of toxic pesticides in its municipal territory. With this ruling, we have a definitive reference
law case that can be applied to all Italian cities, in the name of protection of human health and
the&nbsp; environment (Article 32 of the Italian Constitution)' – said Patrizia Gentilini,
Association of Doctors for the Environment.<br></div><br>Forlì – Viale Bologna, 277 – at the 'Ape