<div align="justify">Tuesday, November 27, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Mario Catania will participate in the press conference 'Research that improves life', which will be held at 12:00 at the conference hall of the Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture – CRA – to Rome, Via Nazionale 82.<br>Other participants will be the chairman of the CRA, Joseph Alonzo, and the CRA Director General, Giuseppe Ambrosio.<br>During the conference CRA will present food products, the result of the studies, work and experimentation carried out by researchers at the institution.<br></div><br><br><a href="Press conference: " searching="" for="" a="" better="" life""="">The program</a> (in Italian)<br><br><br>CRA, Conference Hall, in Via Nazionale 82, Rome.<br><br><br>