RRN Magazine: a window on quality in agriculture

<div style="text-align: justify;">The second issue of “RRN
Magazine”, the quarterly magazine edited by the Italian Rural Network and financed by MiPAAF, is now
on line. The publication is mainly dedicated to the subject of quality in agriculture. The different
contributions analyze the concept of 'quality' from different perspectives, from safety to
healthiness, from the value linked to the product to certifications. These are the starting points
to introduce the reader to organic farming and to deepen its knowledge about the European and
national legislation, the organic market trends, and the role of quality within the different local
agricultural systems.<br></div><br><br><a href="http://issuu.com/reterurale/docs/rrn_magazine_2_web?mode=window&amp;bac…
RRN Magazine</a> (in Italian)<br><br><br>Source: Sinab