<div style="text-align: justify;">Two new Regulations will soon be published in the EU Official Gazette after the last Standing Committee on Organic Farming (held in Brussels on 29-31 March) delivered its favourable opinion.<br><br>The first Regulation, submitted to written procedure, refers to three specific arguments:<br>- the use of the EU organic farming logo: it will make more explicit the need for the operators to be submitted to the control system;<br>- wine labelling: the Regulation postpones to 31 July 2012 the possibility to use the wording "wine from organic grapes";<br>- inclusion of the "rosemary extract" among the additives foreseen in Annex VIII, part A, Reg.(CE) 889/2008.<br><br>The second Regulation compels Member States to make available to the public the lists of controlled operators, through its publication on Internet. The lists shall have to include the information reported in the "documentary evidence" sheet (Annex XIII, Reg.(CE) 889/2008) released to any operator. <br><br>In Italy, the system (SIAN) developed to this purpose finds a further confirmation of its usefulness. <br><br>Source: MiPAAF<br></div><br>