<div style="text-align: justify;">The Italian Ministry of Agriculture has published a specific information note about the last SCOF, held in Brussels last 27-28 September.<br>The note underlines the most important arguments discussed in the meeting, among which the new proposal of Regulation that will modify Reg (EC) 1235/08, the agreement between EU and Switzerland regarding trading of agriculture products, the discussion about organic wine, the revision of the working document including proposal of modifications to EC Reg. 889/2008 related to livestock, the publication <br>of the first two reports drawn by the EGTOP group of experts, and finally the presentation of the final version of the “Working document of the Commission services on official controls in the organic sector”.<br></div><br><a href=""></a><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1567_1562_nota-n.%2017197%20del%2013-9-11">The note</a> no. 18836 of 4 Oct. 2011 (in Italian)<br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>