<div style="text-align: justify;">We publish the MiPAAF note No. 12813 of 4 June 2012 related to the "Standing Committee on Organic Farming" held in Brussels last 21-22 May.<br>The note includes the most important arguments discussed during the meeting, among which the Regulation proposal on import of organic products, analysis of the revision related to the working document foreseeing modification of Art. 21 and of Annexes I and II of Reg. (EC) 889/2008, the evolution of the equivalency agreement with Japan and Third countries, and other European Commission notes. <br></div><br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1869_1863_nota-n.%2012913%20del%204%20giu%2012%20scof%20maj%202012">The Note No. 12813 </a>of 4 June 2012 (in Italian)<br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br><br><br>