SCOF: the MiPAAF note on the last meeting (10-11 July 2012)

<div style="text-align: justify;">MiPAAF has prepared a note following the last SCOF meeting in Brussels. Discussion topics were related to the new proposal of Reg. (EC) 889/08 amendment, the updating by the different Member States of Art. 92a Reg (EC) 889/08 as modified by Reg.(EU) No.426/2011, an updating of the activities undertaken by the EGTOP group of experts, the Commission activity related to the acknowledgement of the equivalency regime for import of organic products for some Third countries (Reg EC 1235/08), and the recent report of the European Corte dei Conti on the organic productions control system. <br></div><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>