<div align="justify">The lists of operators updated to 2012 and available on SIAN (National Agricultural Information System) have now been validated by the following Regional Administrations and Public Administrations:<br><br>EMILIA-ROMAGNA<br>FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA<br>LOMBARDIA<br>MARCHE<br>MOLISE<br>TOSCANA<br>P.A. TRENTO<br>UMBRIA<br>VENETO<br><br>The lists are available at the following <a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">LINK</a><br… is possible to select both the lists provided by the Italian Control Bodies (type of list: “operatori assoggettati al controllo degli OdC” – operators subject to control of CBs), and those operators validated by the Regional Authorities (type of list: “elenco nazionale operatori validati dalle Regioni” – national list of operators validated by the Regional Authorities).<br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br></div>