SIAN: now updated the 2012 regional list of organic producers

Region Lazio has recently completed the regional lists of the operators of organic farms by 2011. So, the Italian Regions that have validated the list of organic producers are: Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardia, Marche, Molise, Sardegna, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Valle D’Aosta, Lazio. SIAN (the Italian Agriculture Information System) includes as well all the lists provided by the Control Bodies (see, in Italian:“operatori assoggettati al controllo degli OdC”). In the 2011 list it is also possible to check the "Documentary Evidence" of any single certified operator.<br><br>All the lists can be found at the following <a href="../index.php?mod=documenti_utili&amp;m2id=195&amp;navId=1699">LINK</a><br><br>Source: SINAB