Sustainable use of pesticides: now published the Decree for the implementation of the Directive EC 2009/128

<div align="justify">Now published on the Italian Official Gazette (30 August 2012, no.150)the Decree for the implementation of the DIRECTIVE 2009/128/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. Such a Decree will soon be integrated by the creation of a specific "Technical-Scientific Council" whose aim will be to develop a National Action Plan for the sustainable use of pesticides. The council Plan should be&nbsp; ready by 26 November 2012.<br>The Decree and the future plan are important also for the organic farming sector, and will have positive acknowledgments for the application of the future Rural Development Plans.<br><br><br><a href="… legislative Decree no. 150</a> of 14 August 2012<br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf</div><br>