The italian organic federation is born : Federbio. It includes all the italian organic farming.

The 29 of September in Bologna for the meeting of FIAO's members to
which have also taken part representatives of AIAB, AMAB, ANABIO, TERRA
SANA ITALIA, Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biodinamica (Association
for biodynamics farming), ICEA e QC&I, is born FederBio, the
Italian Federation of organic farming and biodynamics. Now adhere to
this organism consumer organizations, control organizations (that
inspect 95% of the 40'965 italian organic farms), farm producer
associations and of food industry, research body and ecology
organizations that represent all the interests of the italian organic
and biodynamics farming.
The meeting started the complex work of organization that will bring in
this year to form the ''partners sections'' themes (producers,
consumers, control organizations, operators of the dieplate and of the
services, technicians and researchers) in which will develop the main
part of the activities of FederBio. FederBio will not develop any
commercial operation and will not deal directly with controls, but
propose itself as delegation of the entire organic farming movement and
italian biodynamics, which will co-ordinate initiatives to improve the
quality and the spread of productsand to represent whether in national
office or regional office the instances of the sector.
The Federation will propose as well to the legislator useful rules for
the protection and the development of the sector, will promote the
knowledge of organic farming, development, research, experimentation
and definition of general standards.
The delegation towards the legislator has infact a strategic role: the
organic sector is one of the few farming sector to be growing at
international level and the main part of the european countries has
started national plans to boost it.
In Italy is going to start the National Action Plan for the Organic
Farming and relative products with a capital at hand of 5 million of
euro while from 2003 is being waiting a new outline law, because the
current is stopped at 1995 and is not adjusted to the huge development
of the sector in this decade.
The risk is that the foreign competition, sustained by a favourable
outline law and by a substantial public resources, could erode shares
to the italian organic farming.
The meeting confirmed the current leadership of FIAO (president Lino
Nori, vice-presidents Riccardo Cozzo and Vittorino Crivello, segretario
Paolo Carnemolla), that will remain in office until the next budget
meeting of next spring.
The head office of Federbio remains in Via Marconi, 71 – 40122 Bologna
Tel. 051 4210272 – Fax 051 4228880 – E-mail and website (at this moment
but could be changed),
With the new requests of admission, the base of Federbio is represented
by: Acu onlus, Aiab, Amab Marche, national Amab, Anabio, Associazione
per l'agricoltura biodinamica (Association for biodynamics farming),
Associazione Terre dell'Adriatico (Association of Adriatic lands),
Assometab, Bioager, Bioagricert, Bioagricoop, Bios, Ccpb, Codex,
Consorzio biologico per lo sviluppo sostenibile (Organic consortium for
sustainable development), Distilleria, Ecocert Italia, Formaterre,
Icea, Imc, Proscenio/Greenplanet, Ccpb, Qualità Italia, Sana, Sidel,
Suolo e Salute, Terra Sana Italia.<br><i>Source of information:</i> Source :