The list of Control Bodies authorised for organic wines

<div style="text-align: justify;">Following the inclusion of ”Valoritalia srl” among the Control Bodies (CBs) authorised to undertake control activity in the organic wine sector, and the last authorisations released by ICQRF, the CBs authorised to undertake control activity in the organic wine sector are the following: Codex srl, CCPB srl, Q Certificazioni srl, BioAgriCert srl, ICEA, Abcert srl, Bios srl, Sidel Spa, Ecogruppo srl and&nbsp; Valoritalia srl (the list is available at the <a href="../index.php?mod=regioni&amp;m2id=190&amp;navId=1704&amp;q_regione=">LINK</a>) <br></div><br><br>Source: Sinab<br>