The MiPAAF comments about the last SCOF meeting

<div style="text-align: justify;">The Italian Ministry of Agriculture/Organic Farming office has edited a note including information about the arguments discussed at the Permanent Committee on "Organic Farming Legislation", held in Brussels on 7-8 July 2011.The note includes the most important arguments included in the meeting, among which the new Regulation proposal amending Reg.(CE) 1235/08, the discussion about organic wine, amendments to Reg.(CE) 889/2008 related to animal husbandry, the equivalency regime with Canada.<br></div><br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1524_comunicazione-comitato-scof-7—8-luglio-2011.pdf">The Note</a>&nbsp; (in Italian)<br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br>