The MiPAAF Note on the last SCOF meeting

<div style="text-align: justify;">We publish the Mipaaf Note n.
22072 (in Italian) of 7 Nov. 2011 about the Standing Committe 'Legislation on Organic Farming', held
in Brussels on 25-26 Oct. 2011.<br>The note underlines the most important topics tackled during the
meeting, among which the new proposal of Regulation foreseeing amendments to EC Reg. 1235/2008, the
discussion about the draft Regulation on organic wine, the description of new forms for the
presentation of&nbsp; requests of amendments to the Annexes of&nbsp; Reg. 889/2008 (related to
fertilizers, and to additives to be used in feed), the status of negotiations with the USA finalised
to the mutual acknoweldgement of equivalence for the respective organic systems, and finally the
problems created by the increase of organic cereals imports from Moldavia.<br></div><br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1629_comunicazione-comitato-scof_25-26ottobre2011.pdf">The Note no. 22072 of 7 Nov. 2011</a><br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf<br><br><br>