Adelaide meeting has established that the world organic farming
convention 2008 will be hold in Italy and has re-elected the italian
(from the city of Modena) Antonio Compagnoni World Board of Ifoam.
The presidency of the Executive Board was assigned to the german Gerald
A. Herrmann (former president and general manager of Naturland, at
present vice-president of the farmers' organic association Ecoland,
outgoing vice-president of Ifoam and sole candidate), supported by the
new elected danish Mette Melgard (from 1998 to 2004 political analyst
for the danish producers' organic association and Ifoam person
responsible for UE relationship about organic farming in Europe) and by
the argentinian Pipo Lernoud, outgoing vice-president, journalist,
founder of Mapo (Movimento argentino para la Produccion organica) and
real catalyzer of Ifoam in Latin America.
Have also been elected in the World Board the african Juma Mwatima
(Tanzania), former official person responsible of the research and
formation of the local Ministry of Agriculture; the Philippine of swiss
origin Jacqueline Haessig Allejeal, official of a milk cow farming and
relating cheese factory, as well as founder of Petra's naturally, the
first Philippine company of organic catering; the new zealander Hoare
Brendan, teacher of sustainable farm production at Unitec; the malay
technician Ong Kun Way, former member of the Ioas accreditation
committee; the indian Prabha Mahale Prahba, researcher and university
teacher, adviser, expecially for the non-governative associations.
Have been also considered the nominations as place for the next annual
congress to be held. To the italian city of Modena (that was
rappresented in Adelaide by the member of provincial agriculture
council Graziano Poggioli) was opposed the South Korean candidature,
that haven't saved resources to try bringing this big 2008 event to
With 140 votes to 72, the meeting decided that the World Organic
Congress of 2008 will be hold in Modena – Italy.<br><i>Source of information:</i> <a href="" target="blank"> </a>