Towards a chain of organic milk: from production to distribution "

<div style="text-align: justify;">The Lombard Association of Organic Farmers 'La Buona Terra', in collaboration with the Diary Producers of Brescia, organises a workshop on the organic milk chain. It will take place on Thursday 28 March, 2013 at 14.30 in Brescia, via Lamarmora 189.<br>The meeting aims at informing about the features of organic milk production from cows through the analysis of the paths undertaken by a diary farm, from the production of 'conventional' milk to its conversion into organic. The meeting will also deepen the aspects of legislation and certification. A proposal for the creation of a local organic milk supply chain, from production to distribution, will also be presented.<br><br>The meeting is aimed at breeders of dairy cattle, whether they are already organic producers or not, farmers interested in evaluating a possible conversion of their&nbsp; productions into organic.<br></div><br>The program:<br><ul><li>"Proposal for a supply chain project for the collection of organic milk" – Antonio Fierro, Quality Manager, Centrale del Latte di Brescia</li></ul><ul><li>"Experience of a diary organic farm: from conventional to organic farming through social commitment and environmental care – Renata Lovati and Dario Olivero</li></ul><ul><li>"Certified organic dairy cattle" – Gaetano Vertova, IMC – Mediterranean Certification Institute</li></ul><br>Information: tel. +39 393 9242224<br>e-mail:<br>Web:<br&gt;