Towards sustainable agriculture and sustainable consumption

<div align="justify">On the occasion of World Food Day 2013, dedicated this year to the theme 'Sustainable food systems for food security and nutrition', INEA has organized (16 October 2013, Rome, Via Nomentana 41), the seminar 'Towards sustainable agriculture and sustainable consumption'.<br><br>The initiative is a contribution to reflect upon the paths that can lead to sustainable agriculture and consumption, joining the debate of experts , institutions , policy-makers and organizations, but alsoto reflect on the debate underway in the private sector and among families: a support to more aware and consistent decisions on food security, nutrition and sustainable development, issues on which&nbsp; for years INEA drew attention through several research projects.<br><br>The reflection starts from the premise that patterns of unsustainable development are degrading the natural environment, threatening ecosystems and biodiversity, essential to safeguarding of future food supplies. Deep changes in our food and agricultural systems are thus needed, together with concrete answers to many questions: how should a sustainable food system be implemented? Is it an achievable goal, considering the current situation? What should change to push us in the good direction?<br><br>The event is organized within the project 'Promotion of rural culture' – funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry – aiming at analyzing and investigating some relevant issues of the debate on social and cultural changes in agriculture.<br></div><br><br>&nbsp;<a href="">The program</a><br>&nbsp;<br>Via Nomentana , 41 – Rome<br><br><a href=""></a&gt;