Webinar in the “Feeding Knowledge” context.

The Project “Feeding Knowledge” has been developed in the frame
of the 2015 Milan Universal Exposition, whose theme is: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.
“Feeding Knowledge” focuses on knowledge development and sharing as its main tools to identify
effective and inclusive solutions for food security.<br><br>The thematic Priorities of the project
are:<br>1) Sustainable natural resources management<br>2) Quantitative and qualitative enhancement
of crop growing products<br>3) Socio-economic dynamics and global Markets<br>4) Sustainable
development of small rural communities in marginal areas<br>5) Food consumption patterns: diet,
environment, society, economy and health<br><br>Among its first activities, “Feeding Knowledge” is
organizing a cycle of free open webinars. On January 22nd from 15:00 to 16:00 (CET) a webinar
focused on the topic of Priority 1 will be held to discuss “Natural resources management, climate
change and relationships to food security in the Mediterranean ”(by Professor Pandi Zdruli – MAIB),
with a speech on “Re-afforestation to fight land degradation in semi-arid regions: the Maltese case
study ” (by Dr. Gaetano Ladisa – MAIB) <br><br>To attend the Webinar please subscribe here <a href="http://feedingknowledge.eventbrite.co.uk ">http://feedingknowledge.eventbrite.co.uk
</a>&nbsp;<br>You only need a computer with internet connection, headphones and the attitude to
share your ideas on the topic discussed!<br><br>For further information on “Feeding Knowledge” visit
the website: <br><a href="http://www.feedingknowledge.net">http://www.feedingknowledge.net</a><br… case you missed
our first webinar on Mediterranean Food Consumption Patterns, or you simply want to review it, you
can review it on:<a href=" http://bit.ly/Zof90x"&gt; http://bit.ly/Zof90x</a><br><br><a href="http://www.sinab.it/share/img_lib_files/2097_feeding-knowledge-short-pr…;“FeedingKnowledge”
– short project description</a><br><br><br>