Renewable energy applications for organic agriculture: webinar on 19 January

19 January at 16.30 ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM and MAIA-TAQA, EU funded projects under the ENI CBC Med Programme, are celebrating a webinar + networking session with a especial country focus on Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, and Egypt to discuss the following topics: 

a) Renewable Energy Applications for Organic Agriculture, addressed to develop innovation leading to competing in prices with conventional resources;
b) Policy on Energy Use in Conventional and Organic Farming, linking clean energy with healthy organic food production and food processing;
c) Discuss the RES (Resource Efficiency Services) selected in the pilots of the MAIA-TAQA project and their potential use in organic agriculture;
d) Present main outputs of both projects and their innovation and scalability for the Mediterranean region.

In the first part of the session, experts on these fields will throw some light on the state of art and present the work they have been undertaken in a webinar format. Afterward, we will hold a networking session for the attendees, where they will have the chance to introduce themselves and present in a short manner what they working on and what are they looking for in relation to the topic of the session. 

The webinar is interesting to learn about combined cost-effective and sustainable solutions, create opportunities and meet potential partners.  

Source: CIHEAM Bari