Brussels, 15 November: a study day "Good Food for Citizens and Farmers. Happy Birthday! Bioagriculture turns 100"

The Italian Biodynamic Association has organised an international day on 15 November in Brussels, with the Economic and Social Committee of the European Parliament (the Parliament’s advisory body) and Organic cities network (the body of European mayors for organic farming) entitled: ‘Good food for citizens and farmers. Happy Birthday! Organic farming turns 100′. Among others, the City of Paris, the International Biodynamic Federation and IFOAM Organics Europe will participate.

The event will take place from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the headquarters of the European Economic and Social Committee. It will explore how organic food systems can shape a more sustainable and equitable future for all by building stronger regional food systems, benefiting not only our health but also the planet, and will bring together representatives from cities, national governments and institutions to discuss the future of organic agriculture and its impact on farmers, workers, climate and the environment. Simultaneous interpretation in French, English, German and Italian will be available to ensure that participants from all over Europe can fully participate in the dialogue.

Source: Italian Association for Biodynamic Agriculture