IFOAM Organics Europe has prepared a new document that lists the European organic movement’s key priorities to boost both organic demand and production through the European Action Plan for organic farming. In the organization view, a coherent combination of push and pull measures is necessary to reach the target of 25% organic land in the EU by 2030, as put forward in the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies. The priorities are ten:
- Organise a high-level EU conference to monitor progress at all levels and encourage Member States to develop national and regional organic action plans
- Build national organic NGO’s capacity for market development
- Boost demand for organic products
- Reflect the true cost of food in its price
- Give organic actors access to research & innovation funds
- Provide organic farmers with accessible and available knowledge: Farm Advisory Services
- Equip organic farmers with the right tools: natural substances
- Equip organic farmers with the right tools: seeds
- Ensure CAP strategic plans include national targets &adequate support
- Bring new generations into organic
The complete document with the motivations for every single priority can be downloaded HERE
Source: IFOAM Organics Europe