Cilento workshop, first transnational event of SysOrg project

Stories of lives and places plus good practices from Cilento Bio-District (Italy) were shared and pooled with knowledge and experiences from Copenhagen (Denmark), North-Hessia (Germany), Warsaw (Poland) and Kenitra (Morocco). They provided models for the promotion of sustainable organic food systems in the first transnational workshop of SysOrg project, which was held online, still keeping a strong and genuine human touch.

In a stimulating mix of rural & urban, tradition & innovation, North & South land, city and foodscapes, these five territories are teaming up with the seven academic partners of the SysOrg project to study sustainable agro-food systems dynamics from four specific analytical perspectives, namely, system transition, organic food and agriculture, diet, waste.

The two-day Cilento workshop was co-hosted by CIHEAM Bari and Bio-Distretto Cilento Association and attended by around forty participants, including representatives from GAOD – Global Alliance for Organic Districts and IFOAM Organics International.

The event served as a learning and exchange space for the project partners and associated territorial stakeholders for the harmonisation of research methods and tools, as well as a first step for the dissemination of the project thinking and results to a broader circle of interested actors.

SysOrg project, started in January 2021, is coordinated by the University of Kassel (Germany) and the consortium includes the University of Applied Sciences Muenster (Germany), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), Council for agricultural research and economics (CREA, Italy), Ibn Tofail University (Morocco), and CIHEAM Bari. SysOrg is funded by transnational bodies associated with H2020 ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 and the CORE Organic Co-Fund, under the Joint SUSFOOD2/CORE Organic Call 2019. The activities of Italian partners and territorial actors are financed by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF).

Source: CIHEAM Bari