POWER: innovative production systems for organic pigs in EU

The CORE Organic Cofund project, co-funded by the European Commission and 19 EU countries, has developed 12 research projects including the “POWER” project which, among other activities, has recently evaluated innovative grazing systems for pigs in Denmark, Italy and Switzerland. Common features are rotational systems protecting pasture areas as regards vegetation cover and nutrient leaching, as well as focusing on the natural behaviour of the reared animals.

Switzerland presents a local invention, “pig caravans”, and the use of special “huts” for sows imported from the UK.  Denmark presents group housing on pasture with a model hut for groups of farrowing sows and mobile houses for growing pigs. Italy presents examples of fattening with cultivated crops and pasture rotation  in the forest.

More details on these initiatives together with contact details of the researchers can be found at this LINK

Source: CORE Organic cofund