BIO.RE.GOAL.: the work of the inter-institutional working group for a new organic law in Albania

The Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is pursuing the fully approximation of the national law on organic farming with the EU Regulation 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products, as part of EU accession process 

CIHEAM Bari with BIO.RE.GOAL. project (‘To enhance the institutional and Regulatory framework for Organic food production in Albania’) is accompanying MARD in drafting the new Albanian legislation for organic production. The project involves organic experts from both CIHEAM Bari and ‘PQAI1-Agricoltura Biologica Office’ of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, that are working together with the Albanian sector director and the member of the inter-institutional working group.

In this framework, it was held in Tirana (3-5 October) the 3rd roundtable workshop of Albanian inter-institutional working group nominated by MARD for BIO.RE.GOAL. The roundtable’s works focused on the finalization of the draft of the general law for organic production with a special concern on import rules and control system issues. 

BIOREGOAL is a project supporting the Albanian MARD-Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development co-financed by the CEI – Central European Initiative/KEP – Know-how Exchange Programme and the EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. KEP is an EU tool that supports the transfer of know-how and best practices, helping non-member countries to come closer to EU standards and policies.

Source: CIHEAM Bari