With funds from the Italian Cooperation, coordinated by CIHEAM Bari and with the support of the AICS – Tunis Regional Headquarters, the project “Actions préliminaires pour la constitution des Bio Territoires Tunisiens” is underway in Tunisia, i.e. the start-up of the creation of the first pilot bio-districts, which take as a model what has been done so far in Italy. The objective of the project, which works in synergy with the MARHP-Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries – Directorate General of Organic Agriculture, is to promote a local development framework oriented towards supporting productive activities, services, employment, entrepreneurship and innovation by encouraging the formalisation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises through the valorisation of genetic and natural resources and local ‘savoir-faire’.
The pilot territories are the sites of Kesra, Mejel Bel Abbes, Haouaria, Hazoua and Sejnene, geographical areas in which farmers, inhabitants, tour operators, associations and public authorities together reach an agreement for a durable and sustainable management of local resources based on the principles and practices of organic farming. The objective is to maximise the economic and socio-cultural potential of the territory. Each ‘Bio Territory’ takes into account the way of life, food, human relations and natural resources present. The result is local agricultural production that is appreciated by consumers and, consequently, of greater market value.
In the first phase, the project produced a pre-feasibility study that started with the analysis of the different supply chains, the analysis and review of legislation and financial means to support the effective establishment of ‘Bio Territories’ in Tunisia. This was followed by a second project phase which included awareness-raising days and study and training trips to Italy (the Cilento bio-district was chosen); the private sector and the actors of the complementary supply chains of each pilot site were also involved. The guidelines of the ‘Bio Territories’ will now be drawn up, so that specific initiatives can be launched in different areas of the Tunisian territory.
Source: CIHEAM Bari