Bio.Re.Goal: a project by CIHEAM Bari in Albania on updating national organic legislation

CIHEAM Bari has recently launched “ Bio.Re.Goal – To enhance the institutional and regulatory framework for organic food production in Albania” a project supporting the Albanian MARD-Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development co-financed by the CEI – Central European Initiative/KEY – Know-how Echange Programme and the EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.  The project employs organic experts from both CIHEAM and the PQAI1-Agricoltura Biologica Office of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, who work together with the Albanian sector director and an inter-institutional working group. KEP is an EU tool that supports the transfer of know-how and best practices, helping non-member countries to come closer to EU standards and policies.

CIHEAM in Bari accompanies MARD officials in aligning the legal framework of organic food production in Albania in accordance with the EU acquis, in particular on the basis of Reg. (EU) 2018/848 and all the latest Delegated and Executive Acts completing its implementation.

The enhancement of organic agri-food products in terms of quality and wholesomeness is one of Albania’s main priorities within the EU accession process, and the development of the sector will contribute to rural development in the perspective of the European strategy “Farm to fork” and to the expansion of agri-food export potential to EU markets.

Source: CIHEAM Bari