The European H2020 project ECOBREED is drawing to a close, and to celebrate its success and lay the foundation for the future of organic agriculture in Europe, on January 17-19, 2024 a conference will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The programme consists of three consecutive sessions presented below. The sessions will include invited lecturers linked to the topic and to ECOBREED as well as other presentations.
- The first session, “The Organic Landscape and Policy Changes” will focus on the organic policies. It will feature invited lecturers and a round table on organic breeding, organic varieties, organic heterogenous material and seed availability.
- The second session, “Plant Breeding and Genetics for the Improvement of Organic Varieties” will be subdivided into four sub-sessions. They will focus on genomic tools for organic breeding, conventional and advanced phenotyping, organic breeding methodologies and strategies (PPB). Also, it will include a sub-session for young researchers connected to ECOBREED.
- The third session, “Variety Evaluation and Farmer Participatory Trials” will be divided into two consecutive parts with a focus on the evaluation of varieties and the successful farmer participatory trials within ECOBREED and other similar projects.
There is also a planned poster session with networking activities planned for the first day of the conference to foster connections among experts and enthusiasts in the field.
The invited lecturers will include Salvatore Ceccarelli (Italy), Monika Messmer (FiBL, Switzerland), Freya Schäfer (FiBL, Germany), Ferdinando Branca (University of Catania, Italy), Micaela Cooley (Organic Seed Alliance, USA), Hubert Kempf (SECOBRA, Germany), Klemens Mechtler (AGES, Austria) and others.
For more information and updates on the ECOBREED Organic Breeding Conference, please contact or stay connected with us online through our official channels.
Join us in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for an unforgettable journey into the world of organic breeding and the future of sustainable agriculture. This conference promises to be an enlightening experience for all who share a passion for innovation and the organic future of Europe!
Source: Liveseeding