FIBL: a journey to organic plant and animal breeding initiatives in Europe

A new publication of FiBL takes readers on a journey through Europe to explore independent organic breeding initiatives. The pleasing publication is a result of the Engagement Biobreeding initiative ( The Engagement Biobreeding initiative raises awareness about the importance of organic breeding, promotes knowledge exchange between organic breeders, farmers, processors and traders, coordinates the cross-sector promotion of organic breeding, involves in breeding of new plant cultivars and in animal breeding, and engages for independent breeding.

The cultivation and production of organic food depend on suitable varieties and cultivation practices. Establishing a focused breeding for special breeding goals used in organic agriculture is thus an important condition for the further increase of efficiency and production stability of the organic food production. Additionally, organic breeding also contributes significantly to the conservation and promotion of agrobiodiversity. It strengthens not only ecological but also social resilience of food production. Organic breeding contributes to suitable plant cultivars and animal breeds for organic farming in very diverse locations and for different needs. And last but not least, plant breeding also makes an essential contribution to resilience to climate change.

The publication takes readers on a journey to 15 organic plant and animal breeding initiatives in Europe. Every initiative is presented by a person involved in the initiative. For each initiative, the aims and challenges are described. The selected examples give a good insight into the great diversity of initiatives to maintain and promote biodiversity in organic crops and animal species.

The publication can be downloaded HERE

Source: FIBL