In mid-January 2024, FiBL Europe and ÖMKi (Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) participated in the kick-off meeting of the SOILL Startup project. This initiative aims to coordinate, support, and promote a network comprising 100 soil living labs and lighthouses, funded by the European Union’s mission “A Soil Deal for Europe.”
Currently, 60–70 % of soils in the European Union are impacted by degradation, characterized by the loss of organic matter, diminished biodiversity, erosion, and contamination.
The EU’s Mission will lead the transition towards healthier soils by:
- Funding an ambitious research and innovation programme, inclusive of a robust social science component.
- Establishing an effective network of 100 living labs and lighthouses to co-create knowledge, test solutions, and demonstrate their value in real-life conditions.
- Developing a harmonized framework for soil monitoring in Europe.
- Raising awareness among the public about the vital importance of soils.
The SOILL Startup project consists of 28 partners from 12 countries and is led by EnoLL, the European Network of Living Labs.
During the kick-off meeting, the SOILL Startup partners were introduced to each other and the project’s work packages. Collaborative strategies were discussed to ensure the successful achievement of the project’s objectives.
FiBL Europe and ÖMKi are dedicated to promoting healthy soils and will fully collaborate in the mission through research, project partnerships and policy advice.
Source: FIBL