IFOAM Organics Europe: ten priorities for the new EU Organic Action Plan to reach 25% organic land in Europe by 2030

The European Commission is set to publish the next European Organic Action Plan (OAP) at the beginning of 2021. A comprehensive and well-designed European OAP could contribute to the development of the organic sector. A coherent combination of push and pull measures is necessary to reach the target of 25% organic land in the EU by 2030, as put forward in the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.

IFOAM has published a new leaflet (it can be downloaded HERE) listing the European organic movement’s ten priorities to boost both organic demand and production through the European Organic Action Plan.

The priorities are the following:

  • Organise a high-level EU conference to monitor progress at all levels and encourage Member States to develop national and regional organic action plans
  • Build national organic NGO’s capacity for market development
  • Boost demand for organic products
  • Reflect the true cost of food in its price
  • Give organic actors access to research & innovation funds
  • Provide organic farmers with accessible and available knowledge: Farm Advisory Services
  • Equip organic farmers with the right tools: natural substances
  • Equip organic farmers with the right tools: seeds
  • Ensure CAP strategic plans include national targets & adequate support
  • Bring new generations into organic

Another  leaflet provides more details:  “IFOAM Organics Europe suggestions for the new Organic Action Plan“.

Source: IFOAM  Organics Europe