International organic market: Denmark remains world champion

Figures on the global organic market show that the Danes have been number one in organic product consumption for 11 years in a row. In 2020, the Danish organic market share was again the highest of all countries with 13 per cent: organic food worth an average of 384 Euros per capita ended up in the shopping basket, which is 40 Euros more than in the previous year.

Austria, with a share of 11.3 per cent, and Switzerland, with 10.3 per cent, rank second and third, according to the report “The World of Organic Agriculture – statistic and emerging trends 2021”, which is published by the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau) and the international organic organization IFOAM.

In general, organic food sales continued to grow globally in 2020, reaching a top value of 120 billion Euros. Compared to 2019, this represents a 15 per cent increase. The growth of the organic sector has been fueled by the Corona pandemic in many parts of the world in recent years. Consumers have focused their purchases on health, well-being and nutrition – attributes they associate with organic products.

But in Denmark, organic food is not just a trend of the pandemic. “The continuous success of the organic sector in Denmark is mainly due to our awareness here, the production does not stand still, we are always developing organic products. Having a government-controlled organic label contributed to that, as well as government funding and political support,” says Pernille Bundgård, International Market Director at Organic Denmark.

Germany also saw an increase in organic market share in 2020. The increased interest in organic products in many parts of the world, combined with Denmark’s leading position in the organic market, is opening up new opportunities for Danish food companies. In particular, the potential for cooperation with Germany is great – the exports of Danish organic products to Germany also increased in 2020.
