The project MIX-ENABLE – Strategies for sustainable and robust organic mixed livestock farming will present on September 28th at 10 am the main results of its activities in a dedicated webinar. The programme is as follows:
Introduction: Project objectives, consortium and plan of the presentation by Guillaume Martin (INRAE)
1st Session: Characterization and integrated assessment of organic mixed livestock farms in Europe
- MIX-ENABLE farm data: From farm surveys to the project database by Marie Moerman (CRAW)
- Identifying characteristics to estimate the productivity of multi-species organic farming systems in Europe by Leonardo Monteiro (SLU)
- High farmer satisfaction in multi-species livestock farming systems by Lisa Schanz (BOKU) and Bernadette Oehen (Fibl)
- Linking performances, structures and farming practices in multi-species livestock farms by Marc Benoit (INRAE)
2nd Session: Farm-level experiments in organic mixed livestock systems
- Mixed grazing of steers and lambs in presence of an adaptable nematode by Steffen Werne (Fibl)
- Potential benefits of mixing young cattle and broilers by Severin Hubner and Kerstin Barth (Thuenen Institute)
- Effects of mixing crossbred beef cattle and sheep in mountainous grassland-based systems by Sophie Prache and Patrick Veysset (INRAE)
3rd Session: Modelling and co-design of more integrated organic mixed livestock farms
- Reducing vulnerability of organic mixed beef-sheep farms : Simulations with the Orfee bioeconomic farm model by Claire Mosnier (INRAE)
- 4th Session: Compilation and dissemination of results
- User-oriented outputs of the project by Fabienne Launay (IDELE), Guillaume Martin (INRAE) and Marie-Angélina Magne (ENSFEA)
Conclusions: Take home messages by Guillaume Martin (INRAE)
It is possible to register at this LINK
Fonte: Core Organic Cofund