Production of medicinal and aromatic plants has continuously increased in the last years in Kosovo. By offering high levels of income per hectare, these crops are particularly popular among small producers. However, the precision required at sowing and the challenging management of weeds can result in considerable production losses. These challenges can be overcome by using seedlings to establish perennial crops. A new technical guide provides useful information on the topic.
Seedling production requires a lot of knowledge and practical experience, beginning with the choice of the cultivation method to mixing the right substrate, applying the suitable sowing technique, ensuring optimal growth conditions, and implementing preventive plant protection measures.
The new technical guide elaborated by FiBL experts provides information for the choice of the suitable seedling production system to those who want to start with organic seedling production, and valuable recommendations for improvements to farmers who are already growing seedlings.
The elaboration of the technical guide was financially supported by ADA (Austrian Development Agency), coordinated by CACH (Caritas Switzerland) and implemented by FiBL, Bioherb and IADK in the course of the SIRED project.
The guide is available in English, Albanian and Serb:
Technical guide “Organic seedling production for medicinal and aromatic plants”
Tehnički priručnik “Organska proizvodnja sadnica za lekovito i aromatično bilje”
Udhëzues teknik “Prodhimi i fidanëve organike për bimë mjekësore dhe aromatike”
Fonte: FIBL