Technical experts from FiBL Switzerland, in collaboration with professionals from Naturland and African countries, have jointly elaborated a comprehensive training handbook to guide producer groups how to apply the new EU Organic Regulation (2018/848).
The training guide represents the authors’ interpretation of the EU regulatory requirements for Groups of Operators as per March 2024. The training handbook, which includes examples and training exercises is structured into three parts:
- Introduction and Basic Requirements for Group of Operators
- Organic Production Rules
- Internal Control System (ICS)
The content of the handbook is the result of a meticulous analysis of regulatory texts by experts and extensive consultations with various organic stakeholders and farmer groups. It was originally developed for the certified organic Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union in Ethiopia.
The guide, while having a focus on perennial crops like coffee in Africa, has been designed as a universal handbook applicable to organic producer groups outside the EU. It is important to recognise that interpretations of regulatory requirements may evolve over time as the regulation is implemented in the EU and in third countries.
The guide can be downloaded QUI
Fonte: FIBL