The EU aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In the agricultural sector, the EU sees organic farming in a key role to achieve this goal, as it promotes practices that support climate change mitigation with additional co-benefits for the environment. The OrganicClimateNET Project acts as a model for the European organic sector to enable farmers to integrate climate farming, thereby enhancing their capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The project OrganicClimateNET is establishing an EU-wide network to pilot the integration of organic climate farming. 250 farms are going to be organized in 12 national networks, consisting of two hubs per country with 10-12 farms per hub.
The networks act as a national Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (nAKIS). Each nAKIS consists of a national coordinator, coordinating hub-activities together with the hub coach from the two hubs.
The national networks are part of the EU-wide OrganicClimateNETwork, managing transfer of knowledge from and to farms and engaging in networking activities.
What are the goals of the network?
- To engage farmers in climate organic farming – 250 farmers across Europe will be future-fit for climate change and promote the expansion of the network.
- To enhance capacity for climate organic farming – Easy accessible tools & methods support farmers to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
- To develop smart policies & consumer engagement – Support the development of smart policies by providing data & a policy action plan, engaging policy makers and consumers.
- To foster a climate-neutral and resilient Europe – Organic farmers contribute measurable to a climate neutral and resilient Europe and inspire other farming systems.
For more information:
Source: OrganicClimateNET