The European Commission’s action plan for the development of organic products will be presented in Brussels on 31 March (see the agenda of the College of Commissioners, 8 February), within the framework of the Biodiversity Strategy published by the European Commission, which envisages 25 % of agricultural land being used for organic farming by 2030. The latest Eurostat data show that the total organic area in the European Union was 13.8 million hectares in 2019, corresponding to 8.5 % of the total utilised agricultural area. Up 46 % between 2012 and 2019, but not enough to meet the EU’s 2030 targets. With its action plan for organic farming, the Commission aims to stimulate the supply of and demand for organic products by boosting consumer confidence with ‘promotion campaigns and green public procurement’. In implementing the agro-ecological objectives for the coming years set out in the Biodiversity Strategy and the Farm to Fork Strategy, the EU ensures that it will take into account the fact that the Member States start from different situations and that progress to date is of varying intensity.
Source: EU Commission