Organic Trade Association: record funding to promote U.S. organic globally

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is pleased to announce it has received a record level of funding of more than $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program (MAP) to promote U.S. organic products around the world in 2023.

The award, totaling $1,011,911 in new funding to the association, is an almost 10 percent increase from the 2022 levels, and the largest MAP award ever received by OTA. 

“The Organic Trade Association is proud to have been an official cooperator in USDA’s Market Access Program for more than 20 years, leading to huge wins for the organic industry,” said Sarah Gorman, International Trade Manager for OTA. “Our market promotion efforts have created opportunities that have generated millions of dollars in new sales and expanded global market access for our participating businesses, establishing new organic customers around the world.”   

“Our nation’s organic farmers benefit from global trade,” said Tom Chapman, CEO of OTA. “Connecting organic producers and businesses with developing and often untapped organic markets and educating consumers everywhere about the benefits of U.S. organic help keep organic profitable and sustainable.” 

Global demand for American produced organic products has never been greater. Department of Agriculture statistics show the value of U.S. organic exports nearly doubled between 2011 and 2021 – increasing from around $400 million to just over $700 million – including an almost 10 percent increase from 2020 to 2021. Canada and Mexico are the United States’ largest export partners, with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the EU, and United Arab Emirates all making the top 10 list for U.S. organic exports.   

In 2023 the association will be showcasing American-produced organic products to a wide and diverse global audience in the coming year. OTA currently has 10 international activities planned for 2023 — from the world’s biggest organic trade fair in Germany to trade missions stretching across Europe, Asia and the Middle East. 

OTA’s member companies provides the bulk of all U.S. organic exports. The market promotion activities administered by the association are open to the entire organic industry, however, not just members. For more information or to sign up for activities, visit OTA’s website   

Source: OTA