ProOrg project: an organic market and stakeholder survey

Today, there is a lack of mandatory standards and indicators for organic food processing in Europe. Hence, FiBL, together with 14 other international research institutes from nine countries, implements the ProOrg project to address this issue by developing a set of strategies and tools (Code of Practice). These tools can help organic food processors in the selection of appropriate technologies. It will provide guidance for making the best choice for careful, minimal and mild processing methods.

Before drafting a Code of Practice for processors, FiBL launched an online consultation among organic stakeholders and market actors across Europe to better understand the opinions about benefits or threats of certain (new) processing technologies in the organic sector.

FiBL invites people who have professional links to the European organic sector to participate in this survey. The questions we ask are about your opinion, so there is no right or wrong, and no expert knowledge is needed. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete.

You can participate in the survey until 31 March 2021.

Here the LINK  to the survey, and HERE the link to the ProOrg project website

Source: FIBL