The Commission publishes a list of potential agricultural practices

The Commission published a list of potential agricultural practices that the eco-schemes could support in the future common agricultural policy (CAP). This list aims to contribute to the debate around the CAP reform and its role in reaching the Green Deal targets. This list also enhances transparency of the process for establishing the Strategic CAP Plans, and provides farmers, administrations, scientists and stakeholders a base for further discussion on making the best use of this new instrument.

To be supported by eco-schemes, agricultural practices should:

  • cover activities related to climate, environment, animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance
  • be defined on the basis of the needs and priorities identified at national/regional levels in their CAP strategic plans
  • their level of ambition has to go beyond the requirements and obligations set by conditionality
  • contribute to reaching the EU Green Deal targets

The list of potential agricultural practices includes organic farming practices, agro-ecology such as crop rotation with leguminous crops or low intensity grass-based livestock system.

List of potential AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES that ECO-SCHEMES could support

Source: European Commission