Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2021 of “Organic Agriculture”, the official journal of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research- ISOFAR, has been published.The journal Organic Agriculture is a multidisciplinary journal aiming to publish outstanding research papers on organic agriculture and related food systems. The journal also includes invited critical reviews on topical issues, and concept notes for the development of organic agriculture and related research. The journal covers the principles and practice of organic agriculture and food systems encouraging papers that provide a systemic, participatory, and interdisciplinary approach to the subject and those proposing innovations beyond current standards or practices. Early-career studies of high scientific quality are particularly welcome.
The articles published in the new issue are the following:
Biocontrol potential of nematophagous fungi against Meloidogyne spp. infecting tomato
Health and welfare in organic livestock production systems—a systematic mapping of current knowledge
Use of organic soil amendments to improve soil health and yield of immature pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
Source: ISOFAR