The second edition of the annual newsletter featuring the Joint Call ‘Towards sustainable and organic food systems’ launched by the ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic in 2019 has now been published. All good things come to an end and so did the ERA-Net Cofund phases of SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic. Both networks held their final events in Brussels before the summer, where SUSFOOD celebrated its 10 year anniversary and CORE Organic had its Final Research Seminar.
The joint funding and research efforts towards sustainable and organic food systems, nonetheless, continue and networks will support their mandates also under the Horizon Europe as a part of new projects. We would like to highlight some news for you:
The CORE Organic network has started its new programme phase as CORE Organic Pleiades under the OrganicTargets4EU project, while SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic networks are both part of important project initiatives – the Green Era Hub and the FOODPathS shaping the transformation towards the sustainable food systems.
The Green ERA Hub’s (GEH) aim is to preserve the achievements of the ERA-Nets in the “Green”Area (Biomass, Food, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Animals) for the future. The Green ERA Hub will also provide an opportunity for the interested Funders to launch new joint calls across AgriFood research areas.
The FOODPathS project initiative, on the other hand, will prepare partners for the European Partnership on “Sustainable Food Systems” by providing a framework to actively involve Funders from both networks. The first important landmark towards the Partnership is the open SRIA- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda public Consultation gathering input from all interested stakeholders. The SRIA Survey is available online and deadline for submitting responses is 19 December 2022, at noon.
The newsletter includes details about the following individual research projects:
- Oilseed by-products as potential source of antioxidants and essential fatty acids
- Benefits of live larvae supplementation on gut microbiota of organic chickens
- Ready To Eat fresh organic products
- The enduring appeal of minimally processed organic fruit products
- Living Labs contribute to more sustainable food systems
- Ecosystem Services of organic food production: advancing a sustainability assessment tool
Download the full newsletter at this LINK
Source: CORE Organic / SUSFOOD2